According to Freud, the pleasure principle is most closely associated with _____.

According to Freud, the pleasure principle is most closely associated with _____.

(a) superego

(b) ego

(c) id

(d) preconscious mind.

Answer: (c) id

As described by Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, the id straddles the pleasure principle’s context. In this respect, it is worthy of note that the id is the original and animalistic component of the personality. With regard to its operation, Freud described it as being based upon the pleasure principle, the principle where every desire, want and need is satisfied in the most direct manner without reference to the possible consequences.

The id is the personality’s uncontrolled aspect with no moral standards; it is merely driven by basic needs such as eating, drinking, and sex. The ego works in accordance with the reality principle, and being the object of rationalization, the ego itself is rational. The superego is an agency on the internal processes involving moral codes in individuals. The preconscious mind, therefore, encompasses the available data but not presently in working memory; for this reason, information within this area is easily accessible.






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