Which of the following is not a difference between DNA and RNA?

Which of the following is not a difference between DNA and RNA?

a) DNA contains thymine whereas RNA contains uracil

b) DNA contains deoxyribose and RNA contains ribose

c) DNA contains alternating sugar-phosphate molecules whereas RNA does not contain sugars

d) RNA is single-stranded and DNA is double-stranded

e) None of the above

Answer: e) None of the above

The provided options can also be referred to as the comparison of nucleic acid and nucleotide, where RNA is a nucleic acid and DNA is a nucleotide. There is a DNA strand that has one of the nitrogenous bases as thymine and there is an RNA strand that has uracil instead of thymine. In DNA, Deoxyribose is used before forming the nucleotides and in RNA, the one used is Ribose. While DNA is typically double helix RNA on the other hand is mostly in the form of a single strand although there is some viroid. However, with reference to DNA and RNA as the types of nucleic acids, the backbones’ secondary structures are comprised of sugar-phosphate components. Such structural and chemical differences explain why the DNA and RNA molecules have different roles and properties in living organisms. However, the first one is involved in the transmission of genetic info the second is involved in the transfer of such info and protein synthesis.






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