A company dress code and award ceremonies would be part of

A company dress code and award ceremonies would be part of

1: ethical codes.

2: a mission statement.

3: observable artifacts.

4: core values.

Answer: 3: observable artifacts.

Observable artefacts relate to objects that are physically perceivable including the dressing code, arrangement of organizational desks and offices, ceremonies like award giving amongst other socially visible conducts and practices. These are the tangible and visible portrayals of an organization’s culture, underpinnings and fundamental assumptions.

Dress codes and award ceremonies are other examples of observable artefacts because they have tangible aspects of the organization’s culture. A dress code relates to the organization’s policies on dress code while award ceremonies enshrine and promote the desired organizational culture and success.

Observable artefacts are separate from ethical codes, mission statements, and core values, which are the other significant features of an organization’s culture. However, elements that can be observed in the environment are usually derivatives of these cultural components.






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