What does the field of biology primarily study?

What does the field of biology primarily study?

Answer: Biology mostly deals with living things only. This field also involves the study of living things from the cellular level to the most comprehensive system of communities. Biologists study the physical and chemical characteristics, development, diversification, and location of organisms and their mutual relations. This consists of botany, zoology, microbiology, and anthropology or the sciences dealing with plants, animals, microorganisms, and man. Typically, this includes genetics, ecology, physiology, and molecular biology. Central to biology are questions about how living things grow, reproduce and how they can survive at all. It also looks into the interconnection between species and the interaction of those species within a particular ecosystem. The knowledge derived from biological research is helpful in the fields of medicine, agriculture, conservation and biotechnology, thus helping in the progression of social human life and also the life of the environment.






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