Which of the following psychologists would most often engage in basic research?

Which of the following psychologists would most often engage in basic research?

a. consumer

b. personality

c. clinical

d. industrial-organizational

Answer: b. personality

Two objectives of personality psychologists can be enumerated as follows: Basic research Filed The figure shows that personality psychologists are most likely to engage 48% of their research practice in basic research, as compared to applied research. It involves the study of the simplest principles of the human personality constituting its characteristics, variations as well as the maturation process of personality. While consumer, clinical or Industrial-organizational are considered to be more practical fields, personality psychology sometimes has no particular use in mind other than the mere search for knowledge. The researchers in this specialization often work on such questions as what personality itself is, whether it has genetic and/or different environmental bases, and how it relates to behaviour and experience. Using a range of approaches to the subject, focusing on research, practice longitudinal designs, factor analysis and experimental research for creating and furthering theories on personality structure and its functioning. However, it is worth emphasizing that, although results from personality research can be useful for applied disciplines, it is the study of personality aimed at deepening our knowledge of people.






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