What are the biotic factors of the tropical rainforest?

Question:- What are the biotic factors of the tropical rainforest?

Answer: The biotic factors of the tropical rainforest include plants, animals, fungi and microorganisms which touch on the correct option. The actual multiple-choice for biotic factors of the tropical rainforest are plants, animals, fungi and microorganisms.

An example of an ecosystem that has a host of diverse biotic factors with multiple interconnections, is the tropical rainforest regions. Aquatic plants, tree and understory species and middle and top canopy from epiphytes and ferns provide the lower layers of this ecosystem. They support an immense number of animals amongst which are monkeys and jaguars as well as limitless types of birds, reptiles, amphibians, insects and much more. Mushrooms are also of ecological importance since they aid in the decomposition and cycling of nutrients in the ecosystem, as well as being mycorrhizal with plants. Though most are out of sight, microorganisms are a major constituent of the soil and of most surfaces that play a role in decomposition and act as the foundation of many trophic levels. These are biotic factors and they equally depend on each other to support complex and interrelated systems in the rainforest to sustain the habitat and species’ aquifer.






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