Which famous scientist invented the idea of gravity?

Question:- Which famous scientist invented the idea of gravity?

Answer: Sir Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton, a physicist and mathematician from England, is the fundamental figure who provided a scientific theory on gravity in 1687. Again, although gravity is as old as the universe, Newton was the first to pen down gravity in terms of mathematics and explain how it would function. Through his usual extraordinary ideas in “Principia Mathematica” published in 1687, Newton postulated the law of universal gravitation. This law posited that each particle in the universe pulls every other particle with a force that is directly related to the product of the masses and inversely related to the square of the separation between the two masses. Newton’s theory of mechanics provided a common foundation for understanding events in daily life and astronomical occurrences. His work on gravity had an impact on building the base of classical mechanics and in the conceptualization of the physical world till the appearance of the general theory of relativity in the early twentieth century.






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