Which statement below correctly describes how to manage span of control using the modular concept?

Which statement below correctly describes how to manage span of control using the modular concept?

(A) Span of control is accomplished by organizing resources into Teams, Divisions, Groups, Branches, or Sections

(B) Span of control is less of a factor of concern for incidents that are resolved within the initial operational period

(C) Span of control may be extended beyond 1:10 in order to ensure that more resources can be deployed on complex, large incidents

(D) Span of control should be established without consideration of factors such as the type of incident, nature of the task, hazards, and safety factors

Answer: (A) Span of control is accomplished by organizing resources into Teams, Divisions, Groups, Branches, or Sections

This statement can be said to write the truth about span of control with special reference to the use of the modular concept. In incident management, span of control relates to number of people or objects that one manager can supervise. Modular concept refers to a method of arranging the resources in to work elements that are easy to manage so that the line of supervision is kept between 3 and 7 subordinates in a supervisor’s office, with 5 being optimal. There is also a flexibility where the incident managers can be over viewing the whole incident by creating Teams, Divisions, Groups, Branches, or Sections when the single person becomes overwhelmed by the way the incident is developing thus allowing for scalability for the version of incident. This means that there is division of roles hence efficient use of resources and clear a chain of command.






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