What is a parallelogram with four right angles called?

Question:- What is a parallelogram with four right angles called?

If all four vertices of the parallelogram have right angles then such a parallelogram is known as a rectangle.

A rectangle is a four-sided figure also known as a quadrilateral and it possesses special characteristics that distinguish it from the rest of the parallelograms. The main or defining feature of a rectangle is that all four of its interior angles are right angles, or 90 degrees each. This property makes sure that the two sides that are next to each other are at a right angle. As with all parallelograms, a rectangle has opposite sides parallel and sides of the rectangle are equal in length. Nevertheless, the condition of a right angle is not found in any of the parallelograms. Rectangles can be observed in nature as well as in the artificial environment, ranging from sheets of paper to the design of the buildings. They have specific mathematical features for instance the diagonals of the square are equal and also, they intersect each other in the middle. Due to its basic but all-round square-like shape, the rectangle is very basic in geometry, architecture, and use.






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