When a gas is turned into a liquid, the process is called?

Question:- When a gas is turned into a liquid, the process is called?

Answer: Condensation

Condensation is a change in the state of matter whereby substances change from a gaseous state to a liquid. This phase change occurs when the gas reaches the dew point in which it condenses to form a liquid or when pressure is applied to require the arrangement of the gaseous molecules. In condensation, the movement of the molecules decreases and the internal forces relating to intermolecular work and pull the molecules together to form a liquid. This process occurs conversely to evaporation and is involved in a large number of natural and man-initiated events. In nature, condensation is something that contributes to the formation of dew, clouds, precipitation etc. In industrial uses, it’s used in distillation, air conditioning and power production. Knowledge of condensation is critical in various disciplines including meteorology, engineering and thermodynamics because condensation influences heat transfer and a range of technology-based procedures.






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