“I was Within and Without” What Does This Quote Mean?

“I was Within and Without” What Does This Quote Mean?


The quote describes the dual perspective related to Nick’s feelings where he considers himself to be both the observer and participant of a party. The quote has also depicted different aspects that are related to allurement and repulsiveness of the lifestyles of Tom Buchanan’s guests. Nick has also not approved the excessive levels of fashion and extravagance entirely. The second chapter of The Great Gatsby has mainly depicted Tom Buchanan who had invited Nick for a party in his apartment. Buchanan aimed at taking Nick to a party where he was not quite comfortable among the wealthy strangers. Nick also had an encounter with his mistress Myrtle Wilson and after that he had started feeling hugely out of place. Although Nick decided to drink whiskey to relax for some time, he still made the decision of leaving the apartment. Nick engaged in various conversations while he tried to escape with people living luxurious lives that were filled with alcohol, parties and money. Nick depicted huge levels of disgust related to the lifestyles of these people which was highly immoral and extravagant. Nick was not ready to accept the luxurious lifestyles of people as he mainly preferred humble lifestyle. Nick had tried getting involved within the chats that were developed with the elite members of the society although he did not like the entire aspect. The experiences gained by Nick within the Middle East reduced his ability of approving the levels of redundancy and luxury. The quote was related to the issues being faced by Nick and the lack of proper approval that he provided towards the luxurious lifestyles of people as he provided importance to the humble lifestyles.






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