Which of the following has the highest pH value?

Which of the following has the highest pH value?

a) Lime juice.

b) Wine.

c) Water.

d) Caustic soda.

Answer: d) Caustic soda.

Sodium hydroxide or caustic soda has the highest pH among all the listed solutions. The pH scale goes from 0 to 14 with 7 at the centre that is regarded as neutral, values below 7 as acidic, and the ones above 7 as alkaline. It is a strong base with a pH of about 14 thus highly alkaline. Lime juice on the other hand is acidic with a pH of around 2, wine is also acidic with a pH ranging from 3 to 4 while on the other hand, the pH of pure water is 7. Being a strongly alkaline substance, its pH is high and can effectively neutralize strong acids and is also corrosive. It is widely employed in diverse flows, for example, the production of soap and paper, due to the high alkalis as well. However, this solution has a high pH and due to this, people can easily get burns when handling this solution.






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