Why were some Serbians and Bosnians angry with Austria-Hungary in 1914?

Why were some Serbians and Bosnians angry with Austria-Hungary in 1914?

A.Austria-Hungary had taken over Bosnia and dominated Serbia.

B.Austria-Hungary refused to trade with either country.

C.Austria-Hungary would not allow religious freedom in either country.

D.Austria-Hungary wanted to build a railroad through the center of both countries.

Answer – A. Austria-Hungary had taken over Bosnia and dominated Serbia.

The major reason behind selection of this option as the correct answer is that in 1908 Austria-Hungary has annexed Herzegovina and Bosnia that was previously under the Austro-Hungarian administration from 1878 that was a an important of Ottoman Empire. The annexation further led to the Bosnian Crisis that was also called the First Balkan Crisis or Annexation Crisis and had lasted till March 1909. Different factors proved to be the causes of this crisis that include the designs of Serbia on Bosnia as Serbia had wanted Bosnia from 1870s although Treaty of San Stefano in the year 1878. On the other hand, Austria had considered Serbia to be a major threat towards stability of the overall multi-ethnic empire. Serbian pork was stopped by Austria related to transit through Bosnia that also increased the anger levels of Serbs. The trade routes towards Adriatic Sea were also closed by Austria that led to an increase of the anger levels of Serbians. In 1914 war was declared by Austria-Hungary on Serbia that led to occupying of major parts of the Bosnian empire. The economic crisis within Bosnia was hugely ignited within Bosnia that played an important role related to its fall. The take-over of Bosnia by Austria-Hungary was thereby considered to be an important factor that that leads to reduction of religious freedom in the countries. The anger levels of Serbs had started increasing hugely due to the issues taking place between the countries and the ways by which they aimed at conquering Bosnia.






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