Passive communicators do not care about others’ feelings or thoughts

Question:- Passive communicators do not care about others’ feelings or thoughts. Please select the best answer from the choices provided. T or F

Answer – F – false.

The major reason behind considering this statement to be false is that although the passive communicators are sometimes not able to express their needs and feelings, they can provide more levels of priority towards the opinions in comparison to the needs of their own. Passive communicators can be quiet, they take strong stances rarely and they also avoid the expression of opinions properly. The communicators can face major struggles in asserting themselves although they can have some opinions. Greater levels of priority are provided by passive communicators to the others in comparison to themselves and they also tend to agree to do some things due to their inabilities of saying no. The passive communicators can face major issues while expressing their feelings and doing this can make them uncomfortable. The communicators require help for sharing their feelings properly and expressing their needs as well. Passive communicators care for the feelings of others and their thoughts due to which they provide more priority towards them in comparison to their own feelings. The major problems that can be faced by the passive communicators are related to the lack of their ability to control their lives. The individuals also face major struggles while asserting their opinions and this has a negative impact on their characters. The others have the ability of making their decisions for passive communicators which may not be able to fulfill their needs properly. The fulfillment of wants and needs of the passive communicators are thereby sometimes affected by the feelings of others. Passive communication can thereby prove to be a style that can be used by the communicators for avoiding the direct saying and this can also involve uncomfortable body languages.






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