The arms race meant that once the United States built hydrogen bombs,

The arms race meant that once the United States built hydrogen bombs,

A. the Soviet Union built them too.

B. world peace had been assured.

C. no other country wanted to build them.

D. a new world war was about to start.

Answer – A. the Soviet Union built them too.

The nuclear arms-based race had taken place during the Cold War and this mainly a competition for the supremacy related to nuclear warfare that had taken place between the Soviet Union and the United States. During this race, along with the stockpiles done by the Soviet Union and the United States many other countries also started developing the nuclear weapons although none of the countries were engaged directly within the warhead production on the similar scale as two different superpowers. The United States was able to develop its supremacy based on the specific levels of knowledge gained by them regarding the raw materials that are required for the development of nuclear weapons. The American leaders had the aim of developing their exclusive levels of ownership related to the nuclear weapons that can prove to be enough for drawing the concessions from Soviet Union and this became ineffective. Massive amounts of money were spent by both the governments towards enhancing the quantity and quality of the nuclear arsenals. The nations also started developing the thermonuclear weapons that can achieve the higher levels of explosive yields. By mid-1960s both the Soviet Union and the United States had enough levels of nuclear power for facing their opponents. The American and Soviet experts aimed at using the nuclear weapons for gaining the appropriate concessions from the others and the powers like China. The overall analysis of detailed information based on the arms race has been able to depict the major reason behind selection of the first option as an answer for the question. The reason behind rejection of the other options is based on the lack of their appropriateness according to the situation and the arms race status that had taken place previously.






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