Living at home while enrolled in post secondary school or training can save money on

Living at home while enrolled in post secondary school or training can save money on….

A. books but it raises costs for tuition.

B. transportation but it raise costs for books and supplies.

C. books but it raises costs for transportation.

D. room and board but it raises costs for transportation.

Answer – D. room and board but it raises costs for transportation.

The students live at their houses after getting enrolled in the post-secondary schools or training can save huge amounts of money based on the room and boarding charges. The reduction of charges based on room and boarding is an important factor that can increase the amounts of money being saved by the students who are enrolled in training and the post-secondary schools. The lack of need related to making payments for meals or housing outside the homes is considered to be an important factor that can reduce the costs being faced by students. The students who aim at continuing the study from their homes thereby need to make less investments in the room rents and the amounts that are required for food outside their houses as well. However, in this case the students can face increased costs based on the transportation activities that need to be availed by them for reaching their schools. The students staying in boardings or in the rooms near their schools do not have to face the costs related to transportation and can also save this time effectively while continuing their study process. However, the boarding and room costs being faced by the students can be higher in comparison to the transportation costs that are faced while travelling to the schools on a daily basis. Therefore, the students who are staying in the rooms or boarding will have to incur lower costs for their study aspects in comparison to those who need to travel to their schools on a daily basis.






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