Which of these additional costs will most likely be the most expensive?

Which of these additional costs will most likely be the most expensive?

A. Room and board

B.Textbooks and supplies

C. Transportation

D.Academic counseling

Answer: A. Room and board

Compulsory charges that add to the cost of a higher education program include but are not limited to fees for room and board, which are usually the costliest. This category comprises the expenses on shelter which can be either in a university dormitory or in an apartment rented by the student, together with food expenses for the entire term. This is because those are continuous necessities and with factors such as the real estate and food becoming expensive, it has pushed the high expenses.

For instance, at many universities in the United States, the approximate annual rate for board and lodging could go between $ 10,000 to $ 15,000 or more, depending on the area as well as the type of university. They are even higher in urban areas or prestigious private colleges This is because running a college or institution requires so much funds that the institutes increase the fee structures of their students to meet up. Many states have organizations which could effectively regulate this expense so that it does not reach or even overtake the costs of tuition in public universities.

Thus, the other options, for the most part, are not inferior, but they are also not as high in terms of expenses. Books and materials (B) can be expensive and average between a thousand to two thousand US dollars per year. Another type of expense is transportation (C) which depends on the distance and the means of transportation used and is generally less than room and board. Academic counselling (D) is either a part of tuition fees or relatively cheaper than other services.

A student can sometimes cut down some portion of the room and board cost by going for cheaper housing and food options but it is still one of the highest expenses that a student is likely to face. Room and board cost is one of the components of the cost of higher education and it is relatively expensive, thus remains an influential factor that any student and parent planning on college education should bear in mind.






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