An executive department whose main function is to promote safety is the

An executive department whose main function is to promote safety is the

A. Department of Justice.

B. the Department of the Treasury.

C. the Department of Commerce.

D. the Department of the Interior.

Answer: A. Department of Justice.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) can hence be considered an executive department that receives among other things’ safety promotion. However, its main work is in safety enforcement whereby the law is the main tool.

It was formed in 1870, among the roles that have been assigned to the dept of Justice is the role of protecting the people of America through the proper application of laws to take care of criminals; and also, among the role, it has the responsibility of delivering justice to all the people of America regardless the colour and status. Certainly, its stated mission includes segments of the legal regime, although, most of the effects it generates for the public are beneficial to the level of safety.

For example, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), an organization under the Department of Justice deals with the following criminal offences which are deemed to be threats to societies among others; terrorism, cybercrime, organized crime and violence. Due to counterterrorism and counterintelligence, the FBI plays a major part in enhancing the security and defence of people in the country.

One of the divisions of the DOJ is the DEA whose role is in the transportation and sales of narcotics quite unhealthy for people and the society as a whole. Therefore, the mission of the DEA is to eliminate the drugs that are banned within society and are probably toxic to the community and get closer to the society’s public hence making the society secure.

The Marshals Service which falls under the Department of Justice handles the security of federal judicial officers and the running of Asset Forfeiture which also includes Witness Protection. All these functions are useful in putting in place a correct and secure undertakings justice system.

Besides, the Civil Rights Division of the DOJ aims to apply the federal statutes on discrimination and these to social security as it serves deserving people with protection while providing equal opportunities for all.

Some other departments such as Homeland Security might have other tasks relating to safety issues but the Department of Justice; police and the justice administration play a key role in performing a social utility to the safety of the United States.







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