Which of the following occurred after the Berlin wall fell?

Which of the following occurred after the Berlin wall fell?

A. Europe remained divided among ideological lines

B. The European Union collapsed

C. All European nations became members of NATO

D. Much of Europe formed a single economic market

Answer: D. Much of Europe formed a single economic market

The first masterpiece of Europe’s history of the twentieth century was the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 bringing drastic changes in the European political and economic system. Another landmark event that can be said to have arisen from this event is the creation of a single economic market across the majority of the region in Europe.

This process started with the Maastricht Treaty in 1992 formed the EU and paved the way for the EMU. The treaty first time unveiled the notion of a Single Market which is also referred to as the Internal Market and which is focused on the free movement of goods, capital, services, and people within the territories of the EU member states. This was made more solid with the physical introduction of the euro as a currency in 1999 adopted by most of the EU countries.

For instance, the Single Market enabled companies to expand their operations beyond national borders through liberalizing the trade interface and boosting the whole economy. This means that a German car manufacturer could now take his cars directly to France or Italy without being affected by tariffs or even having to decipher through lots of regulations. In the same way, a Spanish worker was able, for instance, to look for a job in Sweden without a work visa.

The creation of this single economic market opened up a great impact that brought Europe countries into more integrated economic cooperation and became one of the largest trading blocks in the world. Even though some countries of Europe are not a part of this market (some chose not to be a member of the EU), it offers a good sense of economic integration in the post-Berlin Wall context that is quite a contrast to the Cold War division that Europe once knowledgeable about.







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