Which statement about American physical fitness BEST reflects current negative fitness attitudes?

Which statement about American physical fitness BEST reflects current negative fitness attitudes?

A. 57% of the general population exercises at least twice a week.

B. Most of those who engage in regular exercise report above average health.

C. One-third of adolescents in high school do not engage in regular physical activity.

D. Among those who do not engange in physical activity, most report an activity impairment.

Answer: C. One-third of adolescents in high school do not engage in regular physical activity.

The statement in option C can be considered the most relevant to the current negative attitudes towards fitness in America especially amongst the youth. Concerning high school students’ current trend, it is equally worrying to note that many of them have failed to engage themselves in physical activity regularly, and this paints a picture of a more extensive problem that relates to physical fitness. Such a trend is not desirable since adolescence is the time when individuals start setting the health habits that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. The National results that show that one in three high school students does not engage in moderate physical activity point to the gap between the knowledge of the benefits of physical activity and actual behaviour, as well as obstacles to exercising, that young people encounter. For example, the contributing causal agents towards this matter may encompass the following: Technology usage, reduced physical activity in school, secure play areas in certain areas, or other priorities such as academic work and part-time employment. Such a lifestyle in young people contributes to obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and type 2 diabetes throughout life when one is stuck in a desk job or is generally a sedentary person. Further, it presupposes a change of the culture towards perceiving the fitness of the body as a worthy goal, which in turn entails far-reaching social implications. To solve this problem, it is necessary to apply educational, and school policies and community and availability and attractiveness of physical activity for teenagers. The high percentage is a cause for concern due to the urgent need to implement necessary changes in the ways that inactive adolescents conduct their lives to take greater care of their physical health, specifically among the younger population of America.






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