A _____ is usually paid on a biweekly or monthly basis for professional employment.

A _____ is usually paid on a biweekly or monthly basis for professional employment.

a. salary

b. stipend

c. wage

d. benefit

Answer: a. salary

A salary is the type of remuneration which is connected more with business employment and it is usually given on a biweekly or monthly basis. Then, while wages refer to a payment made for work done on a particular period, and may vary due to time, salary is a fixed and regular payment. This kind of income is regular and characteristic of numerous white-collar and professional occupations and ensures financial security for the employees. Compensation can be presented as an annual figure although paid by the number of months in a year. This payment structure also benefits both the employer and employees since it is easy for one to plan his or her budget. Having a salary-related job may include other privileges and it can include more responsibility or mandate a higher level of education than waged work. Why salary structures are widespread in business careers: The regularity of which such structures are paid makes them characteristic of professional employment relations.






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