Based on scientific research, which statement best describes mutations?

Based on scientific research, which statement best describes mutations?

A. Mutations are rare occurrences.

B. Mutations are always harmful.

C. Mutations cannot be inherited.

D. Mutations cannot be acquired.

Answer: A. Mutations are rare occurrences.

According to research in mutation, this statement best defines mutations. It is a phenomenon where there occur alterations in the make-up of an organism and specifically refers to the alteration of DNA. It is essential to also understand that although mutations are commonly present throughout living organisms, they are generally regarded as low-frequency processes per nucleotide. Most mutation rates are extremely low; they range from 10^-8 to 10^-9 per nucleotide per generation in most organisms. This low rate is important to keep the changes that are passed from one generation to the other at a minimum. However, because there are hundreds of thousands of Nucleotides in an organism’s genome and there are numerous organisms and cell division mutations do happen though they are accumulated over this long span. Of course, it is necessary to accentuate that mutations can be beneficial, harmful or have no effect at all and that mutations can be inherited or can appear during the lifetime of the organism, so the last three options can be eliminated.






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