Define biotechnology discuss biotechnology under the following subtopics:

Define biotechnology discuss biotechnology under the following subtopics:

1. Traditional biotechnology.

2. Modern biotechnology.

3. Limitations of traditional biotechnology.

4. Advantages of modern biotechnology.


The application of living organisms, parts of them or products of their activity for the creation of new goods or services is called biotechnology. Here’s a brief overview of the subtopics:

Traditional biotechnology: This relates to the old practices by which people used live organisms in the development or altering of given products. Some of the procedures involve fermentation in making beer, preparation of cheese, and baking of bread. These processes deploy naturally occurring microorganism and their identified metabolic activities.

Modern biotechnology: This includes techniques that are more complex as they work at the DNA level, unlike the methods above that work at the RNA level. They are genetic engineering, recombinant DNA technology, and gene editing. Biotechnology in contemporary society is implemented in medical science, food production, and industry for the development of new products or enhancement of already existing ones.

Limitations of traditional biotechnology: Traditional methods are slow, not very accurate and they are normally compound based. They depend on natural selection, and breeding, which can take several generations to get the expected outcome. Besides, they cannot break species barriers or bring about completely new characters which are indispensable requirements of the neotenic theory.

Advantages of modern biotechnology: The present technologies are more accurate, faster and can accommodate more variability. They facilitate the movement of genes from one species to another, the production of species with wholly new characteristics and the formation of therapeutic purposes. The new biotechnology has been applied in areas of medicine, agriculture and the environment, demonstrating the ability to solve various problems that were solved in traditionally practised ways.







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