Developed nations are facing aging populations, unemployment, and ______ economic growth.

Question:- Developed nations are facing aging populations, unemployment, and ______ economic growth.

Answer – Slow economic growth.

Ageing population is considered to be a major problem for the developed nations as the increase in average age of the population leads to the reduction of the availability of workers. The job opportunities within the nations can also reduce due to the lack of young workers in the developed nations that are facing the issue of increase in ageing populations. The lack of employees who can work for longer hours has a negative impact on the overall growth of the economy and it starts slowing down hugely. The increase of ageing population leads to shortage of the qualified workers and it also increases the difficulties that can be faced by the businesses for filling the roles that are in-demand. Different factors that can increase the presence of ageing population within the nations include decline the fertility rates, changes in the structure of age and the increase in levels of life expectancy The higher life expectancy rates and increasing ageing population in Italy has become a major issue that has increased unemployment rates in the country to around 8.1 percent. The rates of unemployment in the countries like Canada and Russia have also been found to be quite high. Unemployment rates in the developed countries are becoming quite higher in the developed nations as compared to the developing countries. Although the ILO had reported in 2018 that developed countries have experienced six years of decline in the rates of unemployment, the rates were quite high in the developed nations like the United States, Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom and France. The factors like ageing population and increasing unemployment rates have thereby led to slowing down of the economic growth rates of the developed nations on a long-term basis.






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