Question: For Adults/Adolescents, you should call/activate EMS:
A. Before providing CPR.
B. After providing CPR for 2 minutes.
C. After an AED has been administered.
D. Or, none of the above.
Answer: B. After providing CPR for 2 minutes.
The instructor will now guide you through ventilations with a breath to stop ratio of 1:3 for 2 minutes. In case of adult and child instances, one must make a call to EMS upon completion of CPR within 2 minutes. CPR is a life saving measure to be administered immediately in a case of an unresponsive victim not breathing normally, while an ambulance is notified straightaway . Thus, perform CPR for 2 minutes and prior to the calling for the emergency rescue, one should not stop but to persist in order to elevate the survival rate.
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