a. It provided grants that enabled people to pay for college.
b. It developed research that led to advancements in radios and computers.
c. It provided affordable automobiles and other forms of transportation.
d. It offered unemployment benefits.
e. It made loans affordable for the purchase of homes, farms, and businesses.
Answer:- A, D and E
GI Bill aid the economy flourish in the 1950s as this offered unemployment benefits. The Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944, was termed the GI Bill of Rights. This act provided returning servicemen with funds for teaching, government backing on loans, unemployment allowances, and job-finding help. The government payed out lesser than 20 percent of the funds set sideways for unemployment payments. This provided grants that permitted persons to pay for college. They developed research that resulted in developments in radios and processers. They provided inexpensive cars and other forms of transport. They offered unemployment benefits.
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