How did the telephone help the Industrial Revolution?

Question:- How did the telephone help the Industrial Revolution?

Answer: The telephone was a handy tool in the Industrial Revolution and it brought a positive change, especially in the communication and carrying out of businesses. Consequent to this, it helped foster fast and distant communications and correspondingly has become instrumental in improving factory-to-supplier and factory-to-customer interactions. These changes enabled efficient communication which in turn helped in cutting short the time taken in making the decisions, preventing delays in production and distribution, thus improving the general performance of the business.

Communication was also another area that was enhanced by the telephone since the markets are now expanded because a business person is in a position to contact customers who are located in distant regions. It helped in the administration of large-scale industrial establishments; this implied that managers could supervise several facilities. Also, the very industry of telephone-making turned into a vital business sector providing more people with job opportunities and stimulating technical progress.

In summary, the instance of the telephone had the effect of advancing industrialization since it facilitated competitive business communication and influenced markets to alter how they carried out commercial procedures to support the industrial growth and advancement of the economy.






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