Question:- How do you write 1.8 as a percentage?
To write 1.8 as a percentage we first need to know what a percentage is. Percentages present a part in whole as a decimal. It is the part of a whole that is represented by the number. Therefore, if there are one hundred questions on an exam and a student gets 80 of them right, then that student’s percentage of correctly answered questions would be 80/100 or 0.80 or 80%.
To calculate 1.8 as a percent, we start by realizing 1.8 as a decimal. To get percentages from decimals, shift the decimal point 2 places to the right and add a percentage sign. Therefore 1.8 to a percentage means to move the decimal point to the right by two places to get 180%. Hence, 1.8 is 1.800 = 180.0%. Thus it is logical because 1.8 becomes 1.8/1 or 180/100 when changing it to a fraction, for the percentage is a fraction out of 100 . So when changed (taken) to a percentage, 1.8 = 180%.
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