How many bones are there in total in the two human ears?

Question:- How many bones are there in total in the two human ears?


The human ear has a total of six bones and three of these are very small and are present in each ear only. These bones are generally referred to as ossicles that are located in the middle ear region and it has significant function to perform in the act of hearing. There are three small bones in each ear also known as the ossicles joining the outer and inner ear, and these are the malleus, incus, and stapes. These are among the minute bones in the human body and the stapes are even more diminutive. Their main purpose is to move and intensify the sound waves picked up by the eardrum and convey it to the inner ear. This chain of small bones is complex but makes it possible to detect an array of noises by transforming the movements of air particles into the motion of the different sections inside the cochlea where sound is converted into electrical signals for transmission to the brain






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