How many elements are there on the periodic table?

Question:- How many elements are there on the periodic table?

Answer: 118.

The modern periodic table has 118 columns, every one of which represents all naturally occurring and many synthetic chemical elements. Gathering all these elements has been the work of many centuries or the progress of science and technology. All the elements up to plutonium are present on the earth in a natural way while the rest of the elements on the chart have been synthesized in laboratories. The newest addition to the table is element 118 named oganesson, which was only officially approved in 2015. Every component in the system is characterized by its atomic number which is several protons in an atomic nucleus. Such organization of items in the table corresponds with the electronic structure of atoms; the elements possessing similar characteristics are placed together. This organization has been extremely beneficial when it comes to explaining the chemical characteristics and interactions between the building blocks of matter, and it remains a core attribute of the Periodic Law governing chemists, physicists and other branches of science.






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