How Many Months Of The Year Have 28 Days?

How Many Months Of The Year Have 28 Days?

Answer: All months are to include not less than twenty-eight days.

The right answer is this because in probably the most used calendar in the world known as the Gregorian calendar every month is composed of at least 28 days. Since we refer to months, it is quite common to reason that at most and in actuality at least, only February exists with 28 days, or 29 in cases where it is a leap year but in this particular question, it is slightly different as it is asking which months of the year have at least 28 days.

Let’s break it down month by month: Of course, you do realise that the count of days in different months are the following: January has 31, February 28(29 if it is a leap year), March 31, April 30, May 31, June 30, July 31, August 31, September 30, October 31, November 30 and December 31. Hence, it is clear that April, June, September, and November or what people refer to as the shorter months comprise 30 days contrary to the 28 days. Hence, February month which is known as the month shortest to a year has 28 days in the common year whereas, has 29 days in the leap year. Therefore, the answer to this brain teaser is All months of the year have at least 28 days.

This question is one of the trick questions which are typical for puzzles and riddles when the choice of the word plays an important role. It has to depend on the interpretation of the wordings ‘’ have 28 days’’ otherwise understood as meaning ‘’ have not less than 28 days but may even have 28 days precisely. ’’






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