The mutual influence of external stimuli and cognitive processes in regulating behavior is known as

The mutual influence of external stimuli and cognitive processes in regulating behavior is known as

(A) congruence between self-systems

(B) self-efficacy

(C) reciprocal determinism

(D) locus of control

(E) group polarization

Answer: (C) reciprocal determinism

Reciprocal determinism is one of the major components of social cognitive theory which was mainly done by Albert Bandura. This theory aims at establishing how an individual’s behaviour, personality, cognitive processes and environmental stimuli are related. It assumes that these three components are mutually connected and reciprocally change and mould each other into a system that is responsible for people’s actions and learning processes.

For instance, let us consider a student planning for an examination that she or he has to undertake. The behaviour in this case is an action of studying and this may be affected by factors of self-efficacy, that is the level of faith the student has in his or her ability to succeed or environmental factors such as the level of support a student receives from teachers or parents. Concurrently, the process of learning may transform the learner’s attitude towards his/her capabilities and or modify the environment where learning takes place by influencing other learners to Imbibe the culture of studying. This goes to support the social influence and self-concept theory as it shows how behaviour, thinking and context impact each other. Another example could also be observed in working organizational relations. Performance depends on the personal variables of an employee and the environment in which they work, that is, skills, and motivation. It can also affect the performance of the employees, as well as their perception about themselves or other aspects in workplaces and organizations, for promotion or changes in policies or certain standard practices. Reciprocal determinism aids in explaining the fact that the behaviour of people is not predetermined either by internal factors or by the external environment. It is important in areas such as psychology, education, and organizational behaviour since it concerns various factors while seeking to explain or alter behaviour.







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