The process by which plants make their own food is called:

The process by which plants make their own food is called:

A. transpiration

B. respiration

C. active transport

D. photosynthesis

Answer: D. photosynthesis

Photosynthesis is the basic life principle through which plants produce food and where energy from light transforms into biochemical energy within glucose. This intricate operation is situated mainly in the chloroplast of the plants, especially in the tissues laden with chlorophyll. In photosynthesis, plants use the leaves to capture the sun’s rays and in the process of photosynthesis, convert carbon dioxide in the air, and water from the soil into glucose and oxygen. The relationship is that plants take glucose as their source of energy and use oxygen to produce it, as a by-product. This process is important for most plants, and hence all living organisms on earth, since it is central to most food chains and plays a conduit role in oxygen in the earth’s atmosphere. Photosynthesis is a great phenomenon that shows how plants can absorb the sun’s energy for their use and in the process, support many other creatures.






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