The space between an axon of one neuron and the dendrite of another neuron is called the _____.

The space between an axon of one neuron and the dendrite of another neuron is called the _____.

(a) node of Ranvier

(b) internode

(c) synaptic cleft

(d) synapse.

Answer. (c) synaptic cleft

The synapse is a structure where the axon terminal of one neuron overlaps the dendritic or cell body of the second neuron to a distance of approximately 20-40 nanometres. This space is significant to neural interaction since the neurotransmitters shed by the presynaptic nerve cell travel this separation and intermingling with the postsynaptic neuron to bind with particular receptors to prompt a reply. The term “synapse” (option d) also encompasses the synaptic cleft in addition to the area that separates the two neurons. Regarding the space between neurons the terms node of Ranvier (a) and internode (b) concern a myelinated axon.






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