To minimize the risk of an accident, what should you do if your group plans to consume alcohol?

To minimize the risk of an accident, what should you do if your group plans to consume alcohol?

A. Make sure the alcohol is readily available.

B. Have a non-drinker operate the vessel.

C. Limit the vessel operator to one drink.

D. Limit everyone on board to two drinks.

Answer: B. Have a non-drinker operate the vessel.

As much as this option is slightly non-conducive to the celebration of milestones, it is the right thing to do when taking alcohol is planned on a vessel. Boating entails 100% focus, precise instinct, and good reason, all of which are diminished under the influence of alcohol. That is done since every individual in the group would not wish to become the operator while intoxicated; the individual inside the vessel bearing the full responsibility of operating the vessel would preferably be a teetotaller, meaning that he/she would not be taking any alcohol that may impair his/her motor skills nor cognitive functions needed to operate the vessel properly.

For instance, a team of friends may plan to go for a day’s outing on a lake. During the preparations, they agree to take some alcoholic drinks for consumption during the outing. The best precaution would be to appoint one individual who will accept not to drink any alcohol and be the one operating the boat. This designated operator would not be under the influence of alcohol and would, therefore, be more competent in steering the vessel through the different water channels and roads as per set law and any event of any occurrence such as a change in weather or encountering other vessels.

However, it will be pertinent to point out that water adds to the effects of alcohol because of such aspects as sun exposure, lack of water, and movement of the boat. It means that even if the decision is made to limit the operator to one drink or every one to two drinks (as is offered in options C and D) there is considerable danger. Thus, using the non-drinking operator approach, these risks are completely ruled out for the person who is steering the vessel and, therefore, all other passengers on the vessel and other individuals present on the water territory, their safety is ensured to the maximum extent.






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