Category: Uncategorized

  • How many bones are there in total in the two human ears?

    Question:- How many bones are there in total in the two human ears? Answer:6. The human ear has a total of six bones and three of these are very small and are present in each ear only. These bones are generally referred to as ossicles that are located in the middle ear region and it…

  • What is the difference between monologue and dialogue?

    Question:- What is the difference between monologue and dialogue? Answer: A monologue is a speech given by one individual while dialogue implies speech between two or more people. Speaking a language is categorized into two parts; monologue and dialogue. A monologue is defined as a long speech made by one person or character or used…

  • What stage in life is also known as the novice phase in sociology?

    What stage in life is also known as the novice phase in sociology? Answer: Childhood In sociology, childhood is regarded as the entrant stage or the phase that is new to social life. This is the age when the child learns and develops quickly and starts to socialize since they are learning to understand the…

  • Airplanes fly in what layer of the atmosphere?

    Question:- Airplanes fly in what layer of the atmosphere? Answer: Troposphere Airplanes mainly operate in the troposphere which is the first layer in the Earth’s atmosphere. Ranging from the Earth’s surface up to approximately 10-12km (6-7 miles) in the middle and lower latitudes, the troposphere is where most weather processes take place. This layer is…

  • Provide the following information for 𝑁𝐻4+.

    Provide the following information for 𝑁𝐻4+. a. electron geometry b. molecular geometry c. polarity d. central atom hybridization Answer: The correct answers are a, b, c and d. The ammonium ion is another ionic compound with a cation that connects a nitrogen atom to four hydrogen atoms. They are both tetrahedral symmetrical; nitrogen is in…

  • How many elements are there on the periodic table?

    Question:- How many elements are there on the periodic table? Answer: 118. The modern periodic table has 118 columns, every one of which represents all naturally occurring and many synthetic chemical elements. Gathering all these elements has been the work of many centuries or the progress of science and technology. All the elements up to…

  • What is the difference between zoology and botany?

    Question:- What is the difference between zoology and botany? Answer: Zoology is a branch of biological science that deals with animals while botany is a branch that covers plants. The two subjects are branches of biology that are generally dedicated to different kingdoms in the classification of living organisms. Zoology is all about seeking to…

  • Which element in the periodic table has the largest atomic radius?

    Question:- Which element in the periodic table has the largest atomic radius? Answer: Francium Francium, symbol Fr and atomic number 87 is a chemical element in the periodic table that has a very large atomic radius than any other element. This is a characteristic due to its relative position as the largest, heaviest alkali metal…

  • A purchase of supplies on account should be recorded as:

    A purchase of supplies on account should be recorded as: a) a debit to Supplies Expense and a credit to Cash. b) a debit to Accounts Payable and a credit to Supplies. c) a debit to Supplies Expense and a credit to Accounts Payable. d) a debit to Supplies Expense and a credit to Accounts…

  • A _____ is usually paid on a biweekly or monthly basis for professional employment.

    A _____ is usually paid on a biweekly or monthly basis for professional employment. a. salary b. stipend c. wage d. benefit Answer: a. salary A salary is the type of remuneration which is connected more with business employment and it is usually given on a biweekly or monthly basis. Then, while wages refer to…