What does it mean to establish justice according to the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution?

Question:- What does it mean to establish justice according to the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution?


The correct interpretation of “establish justice” in the Preamble to the U. S. Constitution is:

For the reasons specified in the case and to ensure the rule of law, for all citizens of the United States.

The phrase ‘‘establish justice” in the preamble was an intention of the Founding Fathers to establish a country that is fairly governed by the rule of law when it comes to laws governing the society and everyone within the society. This concept encompasses several key principles: protection of laws, process, and procedural justice for every citizen as well as legal redress for every person irrespective of position in the society. It means that a civil society is formed with an independent, fair and efficient judiciary that has no traces of bribery. This gave the need for justice as a set of rules which does not allow kings or whomever to act inappropriately because justice knows no one big or powerful. Its influence is found in the formation of the American system of law, the creation of the Supreme Court of the United States and the rest of the Federal Judiciary, and the prevention of certain rights from being violated by using amendments in the Constitution.






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