What does the Murphree water treatment plant use to disinfect the water?

What does the Murphree water treatment plant use to disinfect the water?

(a) Chlorine

(b) Phosphorus

(c) Oxygen

(d) Nitrogen

Answer: (a) Chlorine

Murphree water treatment plants like most water treatment plants have adopted chlorination as their primary method of disinfection. Chlorination is one of the most effective and common approaches to water disinfection since it has great contact-killing power on such disease-causing microorganisms as bacteria, viruses and parasites. There is use of chlorine in the process of chlorination whereby limited quantities of chlorine are mixed with the water which reacts with and kills the pathogens. Chlorine disinfection is effective both through point disinfection and the protection of water through residual chlorine, helping to disinfect the water as it gets distributed through the consuming public’s taps. This protection is particularly important in continuing the water quality throughout the entire system of water distribution. Although there are several other methods of disinfection, chlorine persists in use because of its efficiency and cheapness as a method of disinfection especially when used in mass water treatment.






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