What is “get thee to a nunnery” meaning?

What is “get thee to a nunnery” meaning?


The scene in the nunnery is considered to be a result of the issues that Hamlet faces with his mother and with Ophelia as well. Hamlet’s mother was sleeping around and then she married his uncle and on the other hand, Ophelia declined hos advances. The mentioned phrase from the first scene of Hamlet can have two different meanings and they are dependent on interpretation made by the readers about the “nunnery”. However, all the different interpretations of this phrase provide similar messages. Hamlet has depicted that he loves Ophelia at the point in this scene that is a part of the play. However, Ophelia does not provide appropriate and positive reciprocation to Hamlet. Moreover, the anger levels of Hamlet are already high due to the behavior depicted by his mother and the affairs that she had with other people. Hamlet also found out that all his friends who had come to visit him were mainly recruited by people like Claudius who was considered to be the alleged killer of his father. Hamlet had developed a perspective that the people who were a part of his close surroundings were against him. Hamlet also suspected Ophelia and he had a thought that Ophelia was involved in this plot. Hamlet did not see any meaning within getting married and producing terrible people and this is considered to be a major reason behind the step taken by Hamlet from making the fatal mistake. Hamlet has depicted the feelings of jealousy as he loves Ophelia and he would not let her stay with any other person. The meaning of a nunnery is based on its existence as a religious community that is related to the strict traditions. The biased attitude Hamlet towards women is mainly based on his relationship developed with his mother.






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