What is NOT a good way to prevent unnecessary spending?

What is NOT a good way to prevent unnecessary spending?

1. Buy all of your wants at one time.

2. Use and app to find the cheapest gas station

3. Cancel any unused recurring expenses like subscription boxes

4. Make your own food more often​

Answer – 1. Buy all of your wants at one time.

The question can be answered properly by considering and properly evaluating each of the options based on the effectiveness related to prevention of the levels of unnecessary spending levels. The first option 1. Buy all of your wants at one time. has been selected as the best option for answering this question as it is considered to be most appropriate way of unnecessary spending that can be done by an individual. The prevention of the levels of unnecessary spending is thereby possible based on the reduction of purchasing products that can solve all the needs of individuals. On the other hand, the reason rejection of the second option – 2. Use and app to find the cheapest gas station is that the purchasing of gas is not the only way of spending money by an individual. The selection of cheapest gas station is also not possible at all times and despite the selection of a cheap gas station spending levels of an individual can keep increasing. The third option – 3. Cancel any unused recurring expenses like subscription boxes, was rejected as the stopping of subscription boxes may not prove to be highly effective for an individual to reduce the unnecessary expenses. The rejection of the fourth option – 4. Make your own food more often​, is also based on the same reason as this not the only way an individual can spend money unnecessarily and hence the reduction of unnecessary spending is also not possible by selecting this option.






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