What is the best approach to lowering the risk for infection when giving first aid care?

What is the best approach to lowering the risk for infection when giving first aid care?

A.Use latex-free disposable gloves when giving care.

B.Use eye protection when giving care.

C.Always wash your hands as soon as possible after giving care.

D.Make sure you know the person before giving care.

Answer: C.Always wash your hands as soon as possible after giving care.

Among all the methods known to perform this function, this is the most basic and applicable in any form of first aid circumstance to lower the infection probability. Cleaning one hand is a central procedure that can help reduce the transmission of pathogens between the caregiver and the cared-for individual. Even though disposable gloves and an eye shield are necessary in most procedures, they are not always usable or readily present in emergencies. Hand washing on the other hand can be practiced nearly in any environment and it is effective against most of pathogens. This washes off all the visible bacteria and those that may be invisible which cuts down on the chances of spreading the disease. This practice is stressed in all health and first aid care as the first line of defence against infections irrespective of other protective measures that may have been employed during caregiving.






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