What is the difference between monologue and dialogue?

Question:- What is the difference between monologue and dialogue?

Answer: A monologue is a speech given by one individual while dialogue implies speech between two or more people.

Speaking a language is categorized into two parts; monologue and dialogue. A monologue is defined as a long speech made by one person or character or used in literature, drama or a movie to tell a story or explain his or her feelings and past. It offers an opportunity to get inside characters’ heads and can explain why they act a certain way or make a certain decision. As for the second case, dialogue is defined as any verbal communication between one or more people. It comprises response, interaction and communication to go back and forth in passing information from one party to another. Discussion is particularly important in the biological, psychological, and informational aspects of the story as it reveals the characters’ development and helps the narrative progress. Where monologue endorses a singular view for an actor’s part, dialogue shows different settings and feelings of one or both characters; this can bring tension, conflict, or even understanding between two subjects. Thus, both forms are helpful in the formulation of narration and communication, each type having its advantages for the representation of ideas and feelings.






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