What is the largest internal organ in the human body?

Question:- What is the largest internal organ in the human body?


The biggest internal organ in the body is known as the liver.

The liver is one of the most extraordinary organs of the body situated in the right hypochondrial region of the abdomen immediately below the diaphragm. It is slightly larger in an adult, about the size of a football but it only weighs around 3 pounds (1. As the most vital organ in the human body this one alone is responsible for more than five hundred tasks that range from detoxification to synthesis of proteins, generation of biochemicals needed for digestion and other such functions. The liver is involved in metabolism, storage of vitamins, and minerals, and bile secretion for fat digestion. It also aids in the control of glucose levels and removes unwanted components from the bloodstream. The liver holds the highest regenerative capacity, which can rebuild itself completely even if a maximum of seventy-five per cent of it has been burnt off. This ability along with all these roles makes the liver undoubtedly, a vital organ in the survival of the human body.






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