What is the temperature of the sun in celsius?

Question:- What is the temperature of the sun in celsius?

Answer: The temperature of the sun’s photosphere is between 5,500°C up to 5,778 Kelvin.

This is chiefly because the temperature at the sun’s core is extremely high due to nuclear fusion reactions. The temperature of the sun is referred to as the outer layer that is visibly seen as being responsible for the most light emitted. However, it is essential to mention that the Sun’s temperature decreases from its deeper layers to its outermost of the convection zone. In the core itself where the fusion reactions occur, the temperature is approximately 15 million °C. Outward, the temperature decreases through the radiative and then the convective zone and reaches the cool photosphere. Moving further away from the surface in the Sun’s atmosphere – the chromosphere and the corona, temperatures surprisingly increase again to millions of degrees in the corona and this is still a mystery.






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