What stage in life is also known as the novice phase in sociology?

What stage in life is also known as the novice phase in sociology?

Answer: Childhood

In sociology, childhood is regarded as the entrant stage or the phase that is new to social life. This is the age when the child learns and develops quickly and starts to socialize since they are learning to understand the world that surrounds them. This stage is more of a transition whereby the members of society are confined to marginal roles provided they learn the core values, skills, information, and patterns needed to fit desired roles. The novice phase is formative for cognitive, emotional and social development as children acquire most of the important aspects of their existence through observational learning and training by parents, teachers, and other agents in society. This phase is characterized by the high flexibility and receptive capacity of children, enabling them to incorporate enormous amounts of learning and information that influence the child’s perception of the world and his/her role in it.






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