Which of the following are not an antiterrorism level I theme? Select all that apply.

Which of the following are not an antiterrorism level I theme? Select all that apply.

A) Anticipate

B) Collections

C) Don’t be a target

D) Counter-surveillance

E) Report and respond

Answer: B) Collections

The one that does not fall under the list of Antiterrorism Level I themes is “Collections. ” Antiterrorism Level I is usually an introductory level of antiterrorism training, which specifies fundamental information that any member of the organization must maintain to reduce the risks of incipient acts of terrorism. The typical topics that were considered to be part of civic media literacy included the Anticipate, Don’t Become a Victim, Resist, and Report and Act themes. These issues make up a coherent strategy for individuals’ and organizations’ protection against possible terrorist actions. For instance, the content of “Anticipate” is to be on guard considering the environment and possible dangers. The simple message of the “Don’t be a Target” campaign is not to provoke terrorists and not offer oneself as a target. Another form of awareness training is “counter-surveillance,” where a person is trained to be able to pinpoint a time the he/she may be under surveillance by attackers. The first of them is known as “report and respond” and highlights reporting of suspicious activities and overall methods of dealing with an attack. “Collections,” whereas, is not one of the mandatory topics that one is supposed to take in basic anti-terrorism training. This term is more likely to be linked with intelligence or data acquisition processes, which, as a rule, are not included in the training level I of antiterrorist awareness for the general staff. This list has one more point that seems to be an exception and does not relate to basic antiterrorism awareness education; it is “Collections”.






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