which of the following best explains how a certificate authority is used in protecting data?

which of the following best explains how a certificate authority is used in protecting data?

A. a certificate authority certifies the safety of a particular web site so that users know that it does not contain any viruses.

B. a certificate authority issues passwords that grant access to secure databases.

C. a certificate authority maintains a secure database that maps all web domain names to the ip addresses of the servers where the sites are hosted

D. a certificate authority verifies the authenticity of encryption keys used in secured communications.

Answer: D. a certificate authority verifies the authenticity of encryption keys used in secured communications.

A CA is primarily employed in the operation of the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) that is the foundation for safe use of the World Wide Web. Its main purpose is to confirm and guarantee the validity of the digital certificates that include the public encryption keys. Every time a website or an organization applies for a certificate, the CA scrutinizes the applicant’s details heavily. After certification, the CA provides the entity with a digital certificate that maps the public key to the entity’s identity. This process aids in making sure that when individuals use a secure conference, symbols used to encrypt the conversation truly belong to the intended individual. This verification assists in mitigating the man-in-the-middle attacks and develops an initial source of strongly authenticating online transactions and exchanging of sensitive data.






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