Which of the following best identifies the scale of analysis for each of the maps shown?

Which of the following best identifies the scale of analysis for each of the maps shown?

A. Global and regional

B. Regional and urban

C. Continental and country

D. Global and local

E. Country and local

Answer: C. Continental and country

A continental-scale map normally extends over an entire continent, for example, North America, Europe, or Africa. At its current scale, it offers a general view of most of the geographic references, countries/areas in the continent. Perhaps it will indicate national boundaries, large population centres, mountains, and seas, respectively. Continental maps are beneficial when the emphasis is on the location of the countries, the approximate climate, or the vast geographical structures. They give reference for decoding relations and trends occurring in a particular area in a vast piece of land.

The country scale map, on the other hand, narrows down the map view to a single country. This scale is useful in providing enhanced information regarding the internal structure of the country including state or provincial borders, additional cities and towns, major transportation systems, and enhanced physical features of the country such as topographical features. Detailed nation maps are formed for national use, determining internal administrative sub-divisions, and studying the pattern of geometries within the bounds of a given country.

Performing such a dual comparison between the two scales enables the conduct of a multiple-level geographical analysis. They allow people to comprehend the general environment that a country is located in and the more specific internal organization of the country. Even though this approach is versatile it is especially helpful when it comes to such themes as regional trading connections, migration or possibly environmental factors as they do not strictly adhere to the boundaries of individual nations.






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