Which of the following is a benefit of Unified Command?

Which of the following is a benefit of Unified Command?

A. Multiple Jurisdictions acting independently

B. Joint Priorities

C. National Incident Management System

D. Whole Community

Answer: B. Joint Priorities

One of the outstanding benefits the Unified Command system centers on the fact that it gives the opportunity for setting joint priorities among various agencies during the management of an incident. Unified Command is composed of incident commanders who are drawn from different agencies and/or jurisdictions, whose jurisdictional and/or functional responsibilities are significant in the incident. Through joint efforts, they will be able to jointly develop a motive that would be an incident objectives, strategies and priorities addresses all concerns and needs of their shareholders . The result becomes an art of the collaborative strategy ensuring a well-defined and coordinated reaction leading to the avoidance of duplication operations or differentiation priorities. The common targets ensure the efficient deployment of resources, unbroken communication and unified course of action for crisis management, which is ultimately reflected through proper and coordinated back-up.






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