Which of the following is a limitation of the autoclave?

Which of the following is a limitation of the autoclave?

A. It requires an excessively long time to achieve sterilization.

B. It cannot inactivate viruses.

C. It cannot kill endospores.

D. It cannot be used with heat-labile (heat sensitive) materials.

E. It cannot be used with glassware.

Answer: C. It cannot kill endospores.

An autoclave is an apparatus that is used in sterilization by exposing items to high-pressure steam at temperatures of about 121 degrees Celsius, that is 250 degrees Fahrenheit. An autoclave works well in eradicating almost all microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and vegetative cells but has this weakness of not being able to kill endospores.

Endospores are the thick-walled, non-growing, conservative and heat-resistant reproductive structures certain species of bacteria including Bacillus and Clostridium employ to withstand unfavourable conditions of the environment, including heat. Endospores are very heat resistant and thus can survive through autoclaving thus the autoclave can never eliminate contaminated material with endospores.

The options A, B, D and E are invalid, there is no need for an extremely long duration for making use of the autoclave for sterilization, for inactivating viruses, for use with heat sensitive materials use can be made adjusting the temperature and pressure and the autoclave is suitable for glassware






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